AIU's online courses are designed with the
adult student in mind. Each course may be
completed independetly by the student. You
may work one module at a time and spens as
much time as needed on each.
Accounting I (ACC 206 3.0 Cr)
Making sound business decisions means having
good information and using it effectively.
Accounting plays a vital role in this process
because the function of accounting is to keep
track of a business' economic resources and
activities and to use that information in
the decision-making process
Business Communication ( 3.0 Cr)
This course is designed to give students a comprehensive view of communication, its scope and importance in business, and the role of communication in establishing a favorable outside the firm environment, as well as an effective internal communications program. The various types of business communication media are covered. This course also develops an awareness of the importance of succinct written expression to modern business communication. Many of the assignments are to be keyboarded.
Business Ethics ( 3.0 Cr)
A study of theoretical and practical problems of moral conduct in the field of business. The course emphasizes both the philosophical foundations of ethical conduct and the practical problems encountered in the day-to-day conduct of business affairs. Much of the study of practical problems centers around actual case studies.
Business Law (BUS 316 3.0 Cr)
Virtually every business activity is affected
in some way by laws. Legal issues dominate
the commercial world, from the planning stage
of any project to the actual conduct of business,
and a capable business person will be aware
of the importance of knowing about the laws
that govern business activities and the necessity
of abiding by them. It is important to understand
that the law is not ethics, nor is it morals
per se. Rather, what we call "law"
is the set of rules within which a society
operates. For those who are interested in
determining how to stay "within the rules"
or how to avoid or minimize costly problems
or situations, this course will prove useful.
Business Policy and Strategy ( 3.0 Cr)
In the Business Policy and Strategy course all functional disciplines are integrated together in an attempt to look at and comprehend the wholesome business picture. While running a business in COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT, it is expected that senior managers have conceptual and abstract skills to understand the business issues and challenges NOT ONLY in their respective areas of expertise, BUT ALSO, and more importantly, from other functional managers' perspective. The senior mangers are also expected to have an understanding how the company as a whole is evolving over time.
College Algebra (3.0 Cr)
An overview of the fundamental concepts of algebra: an understanding of the general concepts of relation and function; and the ability to solve practical problems using algebra.
Computer Science with C++ (CSC 211 3.0 Cr)
This introductory course focuses on computer
programming using C++ computer language. Although
programming languages are numerous, C++ has
emerged as the preferred language for object-oriented
programming and is widely used in applications
such as many Microsoft products.
Computer Systems (CSC 201 3.0 Cr)
What is a computer system? Students in this
course are introduced to the organization
and architecture of computers. This course
examines the hardware components of a computer
system by addressing the following topics:
memory, the central processing unit, input
and output devices, auxiliary storage devices,
and communications devices. In addition, the
following software topics are investigated:
application software, system software, database
management systems and other types of systems,
programming languages, and program development.
This course also examines how systems are
analyzed and designed, as well as security,
ethics, and privacy issues.
Consuming Cultures ( 3.0 Cr)
This introductory course focuses on computer
programming using C++ computer language. Although
programming languages are numerous, C++ has
emerged as the preferred language for object-oriented
programming and is widely used in applications
such as many Microsoft products.
Cost Accounting ( 3.0 Cr)
Cost accounting provides key data to managers for planning and controlling, as well as data on costing products, services, and customers. By focusing on basic concepts, analyses, uses, and procedures instead of procedures alone, we recognize cost accounting as a managerial tool.
Credit Management ( 3.0 Cr)
The main goal of this course is to develop a foundation of financial management concepts. This will enable the student to understand what credit risk management is, what the lending objectives are, and how to measure credit risk. The course also lays a foundation for more complex credit management topics that arise in additional elective courses in finance. This course in credit management also describes the credit rating systems.
Critical Thingking ( 3.0 Cr)
Critical thinking is a necessary step toward success in almost all settings. This program is designed to help learners define and identify critical thinking and reasoning skills and develop those skills through real-world case studies, interactive exercises, and checklists.
Economic Analysis ( 3.0 Cr)
This course is designed to enhance many of the learning objectives of the economic programs including: critical thinking, problem solving, quantitative skills, communication, research and technology skills.
Economics of Health Care (ECO 206 3.0 Cr)
This course uses economists' tools to examine
and analyze the health care industry in the
United States. Specifically, the course explores
the demand for medical care, the supply of
health care services, the supply of and demand
for health insurance, and issues of rising
costs for both suppliers and consumers. In
addition, the course examines the extent and
impact of competition in various health care-related
markets such as those for hospital services,
physicians and other health care workers,
and long-term care. Focus is also placed on
policy issues such as national health insurance
and other aspects of the role for government
in health care. This course will help students
understand the economic aspects of health
care systems and teach them how to analyze
this complex and critical aspect of personal
and public health.
Entrepreneurship (MGT 411 3.0 Cr)
The idea of starting a business is appealing
to many people. This course will introduce
the many aspects required to create a successful
new venture. It is however, just a starting
point. The outcome of this course will not
be a fully researched business plan, ready
to implement. The effort required for meeting
such an objective would consume many months
of a prospective entrepreneur's time. Rather,
this course will help give students a feel
for what is involved with being entrepreneurial
and if the role of entrepreneur is one he
or she might find appealing.
Electronic Commerce (3.0 Cr)
This course is intended to supply MBA students with an overview of the electronic commerce phenomenon currently sweeping through the global economy. The course introduces contemporary management philosophies as they have come to be used for the marketing, selling, and distribution of goods and services through the Internet, World-Wide-Web, and other electronic media.
Global Supply Chain Management (3.0 Cr)
This course provides an overview of essential skills for managing supply-chain logistics in an international business context. It covers practical applications of supply-chain management including: transportation modes; taxes, duties and quotas; trade agreements; packaging requirements; use of intermediaries; documentation requirements; legal and regulatory requirements; insurance; trade conventions; and the offshore procurement process.
Global Trade Finance (3.0 Cr)
This course provides an overview of essential skills for managing financial transactions in an international trade. It covers practical applications of trade finance including: political and economic risks, foreign exchange tactics and risks, credit and payment risks, optimal terms of payment, arranging financing, and setting the business's overall financial plan.
Finance I (FIN 219 3.0 Cr)
This course presents the fundamental concepts
used in finance, emphasizing basic financial
literacy and the tasks associated with making
responsible financial management decisions.
In addition to addressing sources and uses
of capital and the functions of financial
markets, this course also covers the principles
of time value of money, risk and return, fundamental
aspects of investments including security
and real asset valuation, and the use of financial
accounting information.
Health Care Management and Organization (MGT 206 3.0 Cr)
Over the years, the health service industry
has changed and evolved in an effort to provide
a high quality of health care services in
an ever-changing technical, social, and economic
Health care service managers play a vital
role within these organizations to ensure
quality in response to the unrelenting changes
in today's health care environment. In this
course, students are introduced to health
service organizations and their structure,
function, and management. An emphasis is placed
on those aspects of health service organizations
that distinguish them from other enterprises.
Students will study the nature of managerial
work within health service organizations,
focusing on issues including organizational
leadership and decision-making, interpersonal
relationships and communication, coordination
of groups/teams, power and conflict, change
management, and effective planning.
Resource Management (3.0 Cr)
During this course, students will be able to decide what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to various regulations.
Management (3.0 Cr)
A study of the basic processes and concepts of management. The course includes study of legal, social, political environment with specific emphasis on the behavioral perspectives in organizations.
Marketing (3.0 Cr)
In defining international marketing, Philip Kotler, the author of Marketing Insights From A to Z… states that it’s a “business without borders” that enables the “best growth paths for a business.” According to the author, the best benefit to marketing internationally is in helping a company to diversify their risks by creating products and services that mature at home and that are growing abroad.
Investment Management (3.0 Cr)
Advanced study of recent developments in financial theory and presentation of empirical evidence relative to the determination of investment value of financial assets. Emphasis on management of investment portfolios in efficient markets.
Macroeconomics (ECO 201 3.0 Cr)
Macroeconomics uses the tools of economics
to understand how an economy functions and
to develop policies that promote economic
growth. In this course students will learn
about how a national economy works, and how
various government policies affect the economy
and, by extension, its citizens’ lives.
This course gives students the concepts and
factual knowledge to read and understand the
economic news and events that relate to the
three main concerns of macroeconomics: inflation,
unemployment, and economic growth.
Economists use "models" to understand
how an economic system works and how a variable,
for example, the amount of spending in the
U.S. economy affects other variables such
as the rate of inflation. Students will develop
several macroeconomic models in this course
and use them to both analyze and predict inflation,
unemployment, and economic growth.
Costumer Service (ECO 201 3.0 Cr)
The purpose of the course is to give students a thorough understanding of the principles of economics that are applied to the functions of individual decision makers, both consumers and producers, within the larger economic system.
Mathematics (MAT 180 3.0 Cr)
This course explores basic concepts in mathematics,
including whole numbers, fractions, decimals,
percents, estimation, ratios, proportions,
systems of numeration, signed numbers, rational
numbers, graphs and elementary logic. It is
designed for students who have had two or
more years of high school mathematics and
who have not recently studied or used formal
Political Marketing (3.0 Cr)
In this course we will learn about the relationship between marketing and politics. Political Marketing is the concept of politicians marketing themselves through various marketing methods similar to that of business marketing. Yet there are unique characteristics as well which we will discuss. We will discuss the evolution of marketing in United States politics. You will learn the pitfalls and benefits of specific political marketing techniques and you will gain an idea of the evolution of political marketing through recent historical examples.
Principles of Management (MGT 202 3.0 Cr)
This course introduces students to the history,
theory and practice of management. It reviews
different management techniques and their
appropriate applications. Students learn to
assess their own approaches to management
and to formulate management styles and practices
by developing management applications in simulated
management positions. The course content is
incorporated into applied exercises and student
projects so that issues such as organizational
context, strategy, leadership, and human relations
are addressed.
Principles of Marketing (MKT 306 3.0 Cr)
Marketing is the process of moving goods and
services from production to the consumer.
This course surveys the principles of marketing
and reviews the basic strategies for promoting
the sale of goods and services for both for-profit
and public sector organizations. It provides
an overview of the marketing approaches used
in different industries and the implications
for sales and marketing leaders. By learning
about the marketing approaches used in different
industries, students will be able to formulate
basic marketing plans for themselves as they
pursue their professional interests.
Marketing for Health Care (CSC 211 3.0Cr)
Every aspect of health care marketing has
been severely impacted by managed care and
economic forces over the last decade. In both
the not-for-profit and for-profit arenas,
hospitals, health care systems, medical groups,
and payers have to be "smart” marketers.
Regulatory restrictions, financial pressures,
and fierce competition are issues health care
marketers must confront while trying to market
and promote services and programs. Health
care marketers no longer have the luxury of
a large budget to market elaborate stand-alone
programs and services or tout their respective
organization's image.
This course focuses on aligning health service
offerings with the demands of markets in order
to maximize customer/client value and organizational
competitive advantage. Course components include:
the nature of the marketing function; differences
in services and product markets and marketing;
market analysis; fundamentals of individual
and organizational buying behavior; elements
of the tactical marketing mix (service offering
design, price, promotion and customer acquisition
channels); and marketing plans.
Fundamentals of Mathematics (MAT 180 3.0 Cr)
This course explores basic concepts in mathematics,
including whole numbers, fractions, decimals,
percents, estimation, ratios, proportions,
systems of numeration, signed numbers, rational
numbers, graphs and elementary logic. It is
designed for students who have had two or
more years of high school mathematics and
who have not recently studied or used formal
Principals of Microeconomics (ECO 202 3.0
Economics is the study of how people satisfy
their wants in the face of limited resources.
There are two main branches of economics:
macroeconomics and microeconomics. Macroeconomics
is concerned with economy-wide factors such
as inflation and unemployment. Microeconomics
deals with the behavior of individual households
and firms. Students will study how households
make decisions about what goods to buy, and
will also learn how firms make decisions about
what to produce and how to produce it. Examining
the behavior of households and firms will
give students the necessary insight to understand
how the interaction between consumers' demands
and producers' supplies determines prices
in the marketplace.
Organizational Behavior (BUS 314 3.0 Cr)
The management of complex organizations requires
an understanding of the nature of human behavior
in corporate and other organizations, styles
of motivations, company leadership, power
and authority, strategies of organizational
design and change, teamwork and collaboration,
and the measurement of organizational effectiveness.
Introduction to Psychology (PSY 256 3.0 Cr)
The field of psychology has changed dramatically
over the past century. Psychological "truths"
of twenty-five years ago are considered misguided,
even erroneous, today. Yet, many of the fundamental
questions of psychology remain the same. What
does it mean to perceive? What do our brains
do? Why do people act differently in groups
than when they are alone? How does memory
work? What's going on in my child's mind?
This course will tackle these and other questions
by surveying the work of classical and contemporary
psychologists. Students will be encouraged
to think about the theoretical bases of this
work and to consider how such work can be
relevant to everyday life.
Project Management (3.0 Cr)
Project management refers to the art, or science, of directing projects. This course covers both the theory, and actual practice, of how to successfully manage projects. You will review the concepts, methodologies, and tools of project management as well as its fundamentals: integration management, costing, quality, collaboration, project life cycles, control, risk management, procurement, and evaluation
Public and Community Health (HTH 240 3.0 Cr)
Today's public health professionals have an
unprecedented number of scientific studies,
strategies, tools and technologies at their
disposal. Public awareness of the field's
contributions is higher than ever before.
However, contemporary public health organizations
face the daunting task of addressing enduring
public health problems, crises like AIDS,
and emerging issues -- all at the same time.
Funding for public health programs is frequently
under attack and practitioners must allocate
shrinking budgets across a growing number
of complex and competing priorities. Furthermore,
public health functions are performed by a
fragmented and sometimes inefficient web of
agencies, advocacy groups, and care providers
at the federal, state, and local levels.
Retail Management (3.0 Cr)
This course introduces the basic concept of quantitative approaches to decision making. It emphasizes the application of a wide variety of quantitative techniques to the solution of business and economic problems.
Quantitave Methods of Business (3.0 Cr)
This course introduces the basic concept of quantitative approaches to decision making. It emphasizes the application of a wide variety of quantitative techniques to the solution of business and economic problems.
Small Business Management I (BUS 320 3.0 Cr)
This course focuses on the unique needs of
individuals and small firms (fewer than one
hundred employees), giving special attention
to family-owned and closely held businesses.
Topics include executive succession, planning,
time management, use of outsourcing, and other
available resources.
Sociology (3.0 Cr)
Sociology is the science and study of social relations, organizations, and change. Diversity is an important factor when studying Sociology and diversity can be defined as human characteristics suggesting differences among people on any relevant dimension. Multiculturalism fosters different cultural values among diverse groups of people. Pluralism is when groups from different cultures come together to achieve a specific goal. In doing so, individuals within this group exhibit characteristics that are similar and they use these characteristics to influence their individual identity or the way they approach problems or view the world
Sociology and Organizations (3.0 Cr)
Strategic Organizational Behavior involves the actions of individuals and groups within an organization. The strategic OB approach rests on the premise that people are the foundation of an organization’s competitive advantages. Thus, the strategic approach to OB involves organizing and managing the people’s knowledge and skills effectively to implement the organization’s strategy and gain a competitive advantage.
Statistics (MAT 240 3.0 Cr)
Statistics is a vital part of the scientific
process, but it is often misused and misunderstood.
This course presents the concepts and skills
that students will need to successfully use
and interpret statistical analyses. Course
topics include when and how to use statistics
appropriately, summarizing and presenting
data, the assumptions that underlie statistical
analyses, several statistical tests including
z-tests, t-tests, correlation, and chi-square,
and how to recognize when each kind of statistical
test is appropriate.
Strategic Planning and Leadership (MGT 218
3.0 Cr)
Effective management requires the use of specific
managerial practices and techniques in combination
with a broad-based perspective. This capstone
course integrates the disciplines of management,
marketing, finance, and accounting, as well
as related areas such as economics and human
resources to help students develop breadth
of perspective and capability as they practice
their managerial strategy and develop decision-making
Using a problem-based pedagogy with actual
applications, this course gives students,
working individually and in teams, the opportunity
to put their accumulated knowledge, experience,
and creativity to use as they address realistic
and complex situations in the business environment.
World Regional Geography (3.0 Cr)
Geography is uniquely placed between the social and natural sciences, and offers a special perspective on the inter-relationships between human and physical environments. It incorporates topics as diverse as the study of natural hazards such as earthquakes and volcanoes, patterns of economic activity, political organization, and cultural landscapes, but all from within a geographical perspective. This course utilizes a regional approach. By focusing on regions, it creates a broad understanding of the cultural and physical diversity of the world, and as well as the background necessary to understand international current events.