Welcome Back to your Alma Mater !
The International Alumni Association of
Atlantic International University was established
by graduates of the University. Representing
graduates from all points of the globe,
we provide the means for alumni to stay
connected with each other and the University.
Alumni with similar interests are able to
share ideas and work together
graduates of AIU's programs are eligible
for membership, services, and benefits of
the Alumni Association.

in touch with us, if you have recently moved
or changed phone numbers please let us know.
Also, if we have a working e-mail we will
be happy to add you to the monthly News
Letter. Please let us know by sending an
e-mail to: alumni@aiu.edu
many other private colleges or universities,
annual giving is the cornerstone of Atlantic
International University. This funding reduces
the University's dependence on tuition income
while trying to keep education affordable
for those who seek enlightenment.
ability to focus on a quality education
for our students is made possible in part
by the generosity of our alumni, friends,
faculty, staff, and trustees. Continued
support enables us to provide for the current
and future educational needs of our students.
current tax code encourages the tangible
benefits of charitable giving, the intangible
rewards are greater. The donor can explore
the value of his or her investment in AIU
through involvement with students, alumni,
faculty, and fellow contributors. To learn
more about the various donation methods
please send an e-mail to: alumni@aiu.edu