Organizational Behavior
(BUS 314 3.0 Cr)
Business & Management
Course Description
The management of complex organizations requires
an understanding of the nature of human behavior
in corporate and other organizations, styles
of motivations, company leadership, power
and authority, strategies of organizational
design and change, teamwork and collaboration,
and the measurement of organizational effectiveness.
Interacting with other people and in organizations
is characterized by complex dynamics. This
course is designed to help students study
these very interesting complexities by both
standing back and considering these dynamics
and by directly experiencing some of them
throughout the course activities. The combination
of academic perspective and personal engagement
creates a powerful learning experience.
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, students will
be able to:
• Apply different concepts related to
organizational behavior and human perception
• Define the purpose and nature of the
field of organizational behavior
• Differentiate between the dominant
perspectives in the field of organizational
• Differentiate between various types
of behavior modification theories and techniques
• Identify specific steps managers can
take to motivate employees
• Analyze different concepts related
to leadership and decision making
• Apply different concepts related to
managing conflict, stress, and communication
Breadth of Assignments
This course relies on a variety of assignments
in exploring Organizational Behavior including
various readings, both online and in the textbook,
exams, writing assignments, discussions, and
group projects that entail collaborative learning,
case studies, research projects, and written
Required Resources
Vecchio, R. (2003). Organizational Behavior:
Core Concepts (5th ed.). Mason OH: South-Western.
ISBN: 0-324-17072-6
Organizational Behavior
Business & Management
Module 1: Organizational Behavior and Human
• The purpose and nature of the field
of organizational behavior
• Differentiating among the dominant
perspectives in the field of organizational
• Defending the notion that perception
is a complex and active process
• Evaluating commonly used techniques
for measuring personality attributes
Module 2: Changing Employee Behavior
and Motivating Employees
• Analyzing different concepts related
to learning and motivation
• Differentiating among various types
of behavior modification theories and techniques
• Identifying specific steps managers
can take to motivate employees
• The advantages and disadvantages of
employee empowerment
• Analyzing the effects of managerial
expectations of job performance
Module 3: Power, Leadership and Decision Making
• Analyzing different concepts related
to leadership and decision making
• Differentiating among the five bases
of power
• Recognizing and using different theories,
or models, of leadership
• Evaluating evidence that the predisposition
to obey authority is strong
• Constraints on the decision-making
• Identifying ways that groups and individuals
can enhance creativity
Module 4: Conflict, Stress, and Communication
within Groups
• Applying different concepts related
to managing conflict and stress
• Differentiating among the various
stages of group formation
• Ways a manager can induce desirable
• Identifying roles people fill in an
organization's communication network
• Barriers to effective communication