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MKT 261 Principles of Marketing
The Principles of Marketing course takes a practical, managerial approach to marketing. Students will observe practical examples and applications, illustrating the major decisions that marketing managers face in their efforts to balance the organization's objectives and resources against needs and opportunities in the marketplace. Marketing is covered from the home-based business to the large corporations engaged in global commerce. The student will understand the relationship of marketing and market research, consumer behavior, channels of distribution, physical distribution, retail and wholesale, and promotion.
- Trace the development of marketing strategies and analyze the current marketing environment, distinguishing between the internal and external environments.
- Distinguish between international and domestic marketing strategies.
- Relate the importance of planning and market research to the marketing process
- Compare and contrast a consumer market with an organizational market.
- Describe and analyze the elements incorporated into product strategy.
- Discuss the objectives of a pricing strategy.
- Describe and analyze various types of promotion including advertising, sales promotion, personal selling and publicity.
- Navigate the Web and analyze Internet marketing.
Recommended Text(s)
The required text is Principles of Marketing, by Kotler and Armstrong, Prentice Hall, a Simon and Schuster Company, Saddle River, NJ, LATEST EDITION.
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