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MKT 205 Marketing Research
Because the external marketing and competitive environment changes so quickly, those involved in the marketing process must continuously monitor and evaluate customers and potential clients as well as competitive activity. In addition to available data from public sources, it is often imperative for marketers to obtain specific intelligence through "custom designed" primary research.
Developing your own custom designed research relies on techniques such as surveys, observation and sometimes experimentation to provide the information needed to enable you to plan, implement and control marketing and sales strategies and tactics. Finally, the seminar will offer different methods, which can be used to cut the cost of marketing research, potentially saving the manager's company thousands of dollars.
The following are acceptable topics for this course:
- The usefulness of different research techniques and how to avoid using inappropriate methodologies
- How to evaluate research suppliers and their proposals
- When to use "qualitative" research
- What sample sizes are needed to produce reliable results
- How to design and evaluate questionnaires that will give you valid results
- How to interpret research suppliers' reports of findings
- What are the limitations and pitfalls to avoid with various research methodologies
- How to evaluate advertising and promotional strategies
- How to reduce the costs of conducting marketing research
Recommended Text(s)
Marketing Research
Malhotra, Pearson LATEST EDITION
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