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MGT 276 Policy and Decision Making
This course will examine the decision-making process to help you analyze and improve your ability to effectively solve problems. In the course, you will learn from a combination of readings, self-development activities, and exercises, all of which are geared toward helping you develop the skills necessary to make and implement good decisions.
The following are acceptable topics for this course:
- Evaluate situations and determine what types of decisions are appropriate for them.
- Recognize behavioral and psychological influences on decision-making.
- Develop means for identifying problems and determining their causes.
- Apply mathematical reasoning to quantify risk and forecast possible outcomes.
- Determine your attitude toward risk and how that affects your decision-making.
- Employ proven methods for selecting acceptable courses of action.
- Identify characteristics of effective decision makers.
- Implement practical decision-making guidelines.
Recommended Text(s)
Decision Making in Workplace Beach, Erlbaum LATEST EDITION
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