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MGT 271 Principles of Management
Covers organizational structure, policies and objectives, leadership techniques, management teamwork, communications, delegation of authority, methods improvement, job design, rules and disciplinary policies, motivation and morale, employee recruitment and selection procedures, training and orientation, and employee evaluations. The objective of the course is to introduce the student to the study of management with an emphasis on individuals, groups, and processes within organizations. Management is a central topic for study for any student of business since business is conducted by organizations and organizations are made up of groups of people who must work together for the organization to succeed. We will examine various topics including leadership, ethics, motivation, organizational culture, and many others.
The following are acceptable topics for this course:
- To closely examine the nature of management.
- To explain the role of theory and concepts in analyzing organizational issues and problems.
- To discuss some issues and implications of managing organizations in an increasingly global environment.
- To explain how to manage for ethical behavior in an organization.
- To understand human perceptual processes and how people form impressions of others.
- To understand inter and intra group processes.
Recommended Text(s)
Organizational Behavior by Joseph E. Champoux.
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