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MGT 233 Environmental Management
The purpose of this course is to understand environmental management challenges affecting businesses and managers. It will focus on the environmental governance issues in the relations between environmentalist organizations, government agencies and private corporations in the search for balance in environmental management. Topics will be treated on a global level as much as possible. Negotiation events will immerse students in "live" environmental governance issues. While the course focuses on environmental governance, the lessons are applicable to other questions of societal governance.
The following are acceptable topics for this course:
- Environmental Management and Sustainable Development: The Agenda
- Conceptual and Philosophical Foundations
- Negotiation Events on Environment and Natural Resource Conservation Issues
- Ideas About Sustainability/Student Research
Recommended Text(s)
Beckenstein, Long, Arnold and Gladwin, Stakeholder Negotiations: Exercises in Sustainable Development, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, LATEST EDITION.
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