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MGT 208 Organizational Behavior and Management
The purpose of this course is to increase your ability to understand and function more effectively in the organizations in which you will work. It is a course in applied behavioral science. Fundamental behavioral science concepts will be covered to illustrate how they can be effectively used in organizations. You should gain an understanding of individuals and how they behave within organizations, how groups work together, and some of the issues and dilemmas faced by organizations. The course material applies to all organizations in general.
Management is by nature interdisciplinary. To be effective in many roles in business, you'll need to be able to interpret the interwoven disciplines of economics, finance, marketing, technology, law, and other dynamics. No one comprehends the entire picture. But as challenging as it is, understanding is not enough. The successful application of ideas and principles in business is best achieved through individuals working effectively by themselves, with others, in teams, and in organizations.
The following are acceptable topics for this course:
- Effective decision making
- Building consensus in teams
- Leading (and following)
- Communicating
- Exercising influence
- Defusing conflict and stress
- Trust and cynicism
- Motivation
- Appreciate the value and complexity of managing and working with others in modern business and organizational contexts
- Become aware of how you are presently managing various skills
- Sharpen your understanding of critical managing skills which are useful for working alone and with others in organizations
Recommended Text(s)
Stephen P. Robbins (LATEST EDITION), Organizational Behavior: Concepts, Controversies, Applications (LATEST EDITION). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
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