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MBA 406 Organizational Diagnosis (3 Credits)
This course is designed to provide a framework for the critical analysis of the condition of any organization. It does so from the general manager standpoint by taking into account all the normal aspects of understanding an organization's condition. It is framed and presented in such a way that it can be applied to any kind of organization, and it leads to conclusions about change and organizational renewal of a practically applicable nature. Each student is engaged in a process of consultancy with a real example, and the course is invited to observe the variation in problems, in their determinants, and in means of intervention, by comparing their analyses as they proceed.
The conceptual framework used is an open socio-technical systems model, but this is extended by the use of a theory of organizational effectiveness based on the needs for adaptiveness and at the same time equilibrium. The tensions involved in resolving these demands are illustrated with normative approaches taken from current literature on such issues as organization structure and culture, corporate governance, communications technology, marketing strategy, human resources management and efficiency norms.
Recommended Text(s)
Organizational Analysis: A Critical Text, Thomson Learning Latest Edition
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