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MBA 305 Strategic Management of Information Technology (3 Credits)
The Strategic Management of Information Technology (SMIT) is intended to equip students with a foundation set of skills on which they can build strategic frameworks for the successful exploitation of IT in their own organizations.
SMIT has a completely business orientation. Current thinking accepts that IT must be completely encapsulated within the business and that the management of IT is a management, not a technical issue. While various important technologies will be discussed, they will be explored from the perspective of the corporate consumer, rather than from that of the product or service supplier. Students will be exposed to new analytical tools that show, amongst other things, why the conventional concept of "an IT project" is fundamentally flawed and how business projects involving IT should be attacked.
The course explores in depth the principles that underpin business processes and the role of IT as a trigger for, and enabler of, strategic process improvement. IT strategy is approached using a model that recognizes distinct roles for infrastructure, applications and organization. Key technologies and current movements are also examined in details including: electronic commerce; outsourcing and business process engineering.
Recommended Text(s)
Management of Information Technology
Carroll Frenzel, Course Technology Latest Ediiton
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