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LED 202 Issues in Leadership
The course aims to provide a framework which allows participants to (1) develop the skills and knowledge essential for leadership in a changing environment, and (2) facilitate and promulgate the use of team building techniques within the organization.
The following are acceptable topics for this course:
- the development of excellent and professional managers and management
- managers who will be more able to identify, coach and develop others to achieve the organization's goals
- managers who are better prepared for future career growth of themselves and others
- managers who will be more strategic in leading their teams to business
- understanding operational management results and draw the correct conclusion from them.
- understanding the context and assumptions behind the application of various operational management techniques.
- demonstrate their ability to produce forecasts and construct linear programming models.
- utilizing computer spreadsheet software as an aid to problem solving.
Recommended Text(s)
Kotter, J.P. (LATEST EDITION). A Force to Change: How Leadership Differs
from Management. New York: Free Press
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