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HRS 238 Human Resource Management
The program focuses on the development of the knowledge and skills to support good practice in human resource management in the organization. The course covers the contribution that good HRM practice can make to their organizations. Developed student competence in a range of core human resource management and development skills. Achieve the necessary understanding and knowledge to apply these skills. The course is intended for Human Resource Management (HRM) and Personnel practitioners, and for others who have or will have a responsibility for the management of people in their organizations.
The following are acceptable topics for this course:
- Human Resource Management Strategy
- Employee Development in Organization
- Performance management and appraisal
- Staff and management development
- The learning organization
- Employee Planning and Resourcing
- Computerized human resource information systems
- Job analysis and job design
- Developing equitable employment policies
- Recruitment, selection and induction
- Pay and reward management
- The role of trade unions in the workplace
Recommended Text(s)
Human Resource Management
Dessler, Gary, Prentice Hall LATEST EDITION
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