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FIN 411 Money and Banking (3 Credit Course)
The object of this course is to provide you with the tools and the reasoning you'll need to understand what is going on in the financial world. How are interest rates determined? How are they linked to exchange rates? What role does the central bank play in the economy, and how do the chartered banks make such large profits? What can the government do to stimulate the economy using monetary policy? Can monetary policy be used to reduce the unemployment rate? How do international trade and finance affect the policies the central bank can adopt? How are these perhaps different from the policies the central bank wants to adopt?
At the start of each chapter you'll find a list of learning objectives. The web notes are based around these learning objectives. They will help us stay on track, and act as a useful summary of the material in each chapter. Look through the book and you'll see the learning objectives, and key term definitions are in bold face and identified in the margins - so organizing your study and reviewing should be a snap. On-line practice questions give you feedback on how you are managing the material. And, there's a conferencing area for every learning objective in the course, so you can post messages and discuss topics with everyone taking the course.
Recommended Text(s)
The text for the course is Money, Bankin , by H.H. Binhammer and P.S. Sephton (ITP Nelson Ltd).
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