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FIN 408 Investment Management (3 Credits)
The course will focus on the application of financial theory to the issues and problems of investment management. Topics will include portfolio optimization and asset allocation, the basics of bond pricing and debt portfolio management, the theory of asset pricing models and their implications for investment as well as techniques for evaluating investment management performance. The course will build upon the analytical skills developed in Financial Management. Students learn to use optimization software and also to create their own spreadsheet optimization programs in Excel, Lotus or Quattro. The course is limited to 40 students, and second-year finance concentrators are given preference. Prerequisites: Financial Management and a working knowledge of statistics. Spreadsheet proficiency is essential.
The following are acceptable topics for this course:
- Portfolio Management Policies
- Sources of Investment Information
- Market Microstructure (The Mechanics of Trading)
- Brokers and Brokerage Services
- Passive Portfolio Management
- Active Portfolio Management
Recommended Text(s)
Bodie, Kane and Marcus Investments, Irwin Latest Edition
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