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FIN 219 Financial Management
Management accounting is seen as a way of providing information on three main areas: costing, decision making and planning and control. However, the emphasis of this course will mainly be on the first area (information for costing) although it is difficult to separate these three areas. For example, standard costing provides costing information and it is used as a tool for planning and control.
The course extends the management accounting component of the Principles of Accounting (ACT 201) to cover the traditional concepts and techniques of costing such as absorption and marginal costing as well as more recent methods such as activity based costing. These concepts and techniques will be considered mainly in the context of manufacturing organizations but they are also relevant to he service sector and not-for-profit organizations.
This part of the course is to provide a thorough introduction to the theory and practice of corporate finance. The emphasis is about financial manager's (hence FM) decision on investment and financing. Regarding the investment decision we will be concerned about how FM rank different investment opportunities, and how they evaluate projects that involve payoffs in a timely basis with or without uncertainty. Regarding the financing decision, we will be concerned about issues related to firm's dividend policy and FM's decision on firm's capital structure. For example, once an investment decision is made, will the firm choose the debt financing by issuing corporate bonds, or raise some external funds by issuing new equities, or choose a mixture of the two, and so on. Other important issues in corporate finance such as agency problems and efficient market hypothesis will be also discussed if time permit.
The course is designed to allow students to:
- Get a solid understanding of those basic financial concepts and techniques used in corporate finance.
- Get familiar with the structure and role of a corporate, and get a solid and broad understanding to corporate policy making in investment and financing.
- Understand some of the theoretical approaches used in corporate decision making.
- Apply the theoretical knowledge in applied situations.
Recommended Text(s)
Financial Management
Baker, H. Kent, Harcourt LATEST EDITION
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