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EUN 200 Entrepreneurship
In Entrepreneurship, students with a marketing or non-marketing career focus explore what it takes personally and financially to start their own businesses. The course will cover business and economic environments to discover new-business opportunities, risks, and challenges in local and/or international ventures.
The following are acceptable topics for this course:
- Investigate how to open a small business.
- Write a business plan and marketing plan.
- Develop a projected profit and loss statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement for your business.
- Develop a sales promotion program for your company.
- Analyze a location for your business.
- Draw a floor plan for your company.
- Develop a start-up cost list for your company.
- Identify the stages of the product life cycle, product mix, and stages in new product planning.
- Investigate leadership and management styles.
- Demonstrate human relation and communication skills needed to own and operate your own business.
- Investigate the laws and contracts involved in owning and operating a business.
Investigate how to get capital for a business.
Recommensed Text(s)
Zimmerer, Thomas, Prentice Hall LATEST EDITION
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