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ECO 212 Introduction to Microeconomics
Economics is the social science that studies the way individuals and groups choose to employ scarce productive resources to produce and consume various commodities now and in the future. The production and distribution of these commodities require complex interconnected actions coordinated through some social mechanism. The course will focus on a microeconomic analysis of the market mechanism and how such a price system can be used for social coordination. More specifically, the course will analyze the determinants of supply and demand in markets for goods and factors of production. The roles of prices and how prices are determined in various markets will be analyzed in detail. The role of government in a mixed economy will be considered. The microeconomic principles learned will be used to analyze a number of public policy issues.
The goal of this course is to help students understand and think critically about basic economic problems and current economic issues. In order to achieve this goal, students will need to do the following:
- Gain an awareness of the major economic problems of modern society.
- Obtain a firm grasp of basic economic principles and concepts.
- Develop the ability to use the analytical tools developed to think about economic problems and issues.
Recommended Text(s)
The text is Principles of Microeconomics, LATEST EDITION, by N. Gregory Mankiw.
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