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ECO 211 Introduction to Macroeconomics
Introduces macroeconomics including the study of Keynesian, Classical, monetarist principles and theories, the study of national economic growth, inflation, recession, unemployment, financial markets, money and banking, the role of government spending and taxation, and international trade and investments. The course includes an introduction to the nature of economics and the economic problems confronted by the consumer, business firms, and the government.
The following are acceptable topics for this course:
- The Nature and Method of Economics
- The Economizing Problem
- Understanding Individual Markets: Demand and Supply
- Pure Capitalism and the market System
- The Mixed Economy: Private and Public Sectors
- The United States in the Global Economy
- Measuring Domestic Output. National Income, and the Price Level Macroeconomic
- Instability: Unemployment and Inflation
- Building the Aggregate Expenditures Model
- Aggregate Expenditures: The Multiplier, Net Exports, and Government
- Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
- Fiscal Policy
- Money and Banking
- How Banks Create Money
- Monetary Policy
Recommensed Text(s)
McConnell and Brue, Economics, McGraw-Hill, New York City, LATEST EDITION ISBN 007-228571-0
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