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ECO 202 Intermediate Microeconomics
The microeconomics course studies some of the fundamental concepts and methods in economics. It equips students with the basic tools and methods of analysis used in economic reasoning. In the first term, the basic theories of consumer and producer behavior are studied in the context of competitive markets. Then, by combining these two theories, various properties of such markets are investigated together with their welfare properties. In the second term, the focus is on the study of how various imperfections, or frictions, affect the outcomes of decentralized markets.
- Upon completion of the course, students should be able to understand
- Basic model-building methodology of microeconomics and have conducted some original model-building of simple microeconomic problems.
- Conceptualize simple microeconomic issues and understand the analytical reasoning underlying microeconomic analysis.
- Understand the topics covered on several different levels: mathematical as well as graphical and heuristic or verbal.
- Have a critical appreciation of the approach taken to economic issues and policies.
- Express their analyses and appraisals in written form.
Recommended Text(s)
Pindyck, Robert S., Prentice Hall, LATEST EDITION
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