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BUS 239 International Business
International Business deals with management concepts, which bridge national boundaries. Over the last ten years IB has become an important management field, especially since international competition forced managers of large and even small enterprises to expand their horizon beyond national borders. The focus will be on Comparative Management topics such as culture, culture shock, cross- cultural management, cross- cultural training, communication, decision-making, managerial values, international business ethics, expatriate entry and reentry, and management practices in various countries around the world.
After completing this course you should be able to explain and apply important concepts of Comparative Management. Conceptualization and application will be tested in homework assignments and cases. The following are acceptable topics for this course:
- Recognize and explain how international dimensions are increasingly important considerations for all marketing decisions.
- Understand and appreciate the critical differences between domestic and international marketing.
- Identify international customer needs as well as cultural differences as a starting point for developing an international marketing strategy and to choose relevant segments for participation.
- Develop strategies for designing a global marketing mix.
- Integrate basic theoretical international marketing concepts with the current global marketplace situations.
- Understand the implications of the World Wide Web on a global marketing mix
Recommended Text(s)
Nancy J. Adler: "International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior", Kent Publishing Co., Kent International Series, LATEST EDITION
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