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BUS 221 Ethics in Business
As managers, there are times when you face what are called ethical dilemmas. They are dilemmas because, no matter how you choose to solve them, the result will be an imperfect one. No matter what you do, someone will be hurt, or some worthy goal will not be met. Or you may be able to identify the right thing to do, but there are reasons why you cannot implement that choice. As with so many business situations, you may have to think quickly, and decide with too little information. In a sense, you are negotiating a minefield when you deal with ethical dilemmas as a manager.
A number of business ethics problems and trying to figure out how they might be best resolved will be acceptable topics for the course. We will each bring different skills and knowledge to this task. As managers with experience in actually dealing with ethical dilemmas, you will be able to contribute the insights you've gained "in the trenches." The goal of the course is not to insist on any one particular moral bias, but rather to widen your understanding of the ethical dimension of management.
This course gives philosophical treatment to ethical issues that arise in business activity.
The following are acceptable topics for this course:
- Basic concepts in ethics, and political ideology
- Consider the link between theory and practice
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Privacy in the workplace
- Rights and duties of employers and employees
- Contracts, discrimination and affirmative action
- Advertising
Recommended Text(s)
Law & Ethics in the Business Environment, Halbert & Ingulli, Southwestern College Publishing, LATEST EDITION
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