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BUS 209 Organizational Behavior
This course exposes students to advanced behavioral science theories and applications in management. After an overview of OB and how to assess the value-added of "soft" management interventions, topics will include work motivation, work attitudes, newcomer socialization, "natural" and nominal work teams, leadership, decision making, and management of change.
The following are acceptable topics for this course:
Defining organizational behavior
- Challenges
- Research methods
- Hands-on: Conducting research
Job Design and Goal Setting
- Early Approaches to Job Design
- Job Design Models
- Goal-Setting Theory
- Functions of communication
- The communication process
- Barriers to effective communication
Work groups
- The nature of work groups
- Characteristics of work groups
- Hands-on: Creating a self-managed work team
Power and organizational politics
- The sources of power
- Influence techniques
- Organizational politics
Recommended Text(s)
Stephen P. Robbins, Organizational Behavior: Concepts, Controversies, Applications (LATEST EDITION). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
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