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BUS 203 Business Planning
This course integrates issues of corporate, securities, and tax law using a problem approach in the context of business planning and counseling. The problems focus on high technology and internet-based companies.
The course is divided into three parts: (1) choice of entity and entity formation, (2) capital-raising transactions, and (3) reorganizations and mergers and acquisitions. The readings include documents used in actual transactions. Students will be expected to perform work similar to attorneys in private practice and on occasion students will work together in small groups to complete assignments.
The following are acceptable topics for this course:
- To systematically record your business strategy
- To plan marketing and finance action steps
- To assure that all necessary organizational tasks are completed
- To be well prepared to approach sources of capital
- Identifies methods of investigating business opportunities in line with personal and business interests and values.
- Explains the essential elements of a business plan and preparing a format for your individual business planning process.
- Formulating the business plan.
Recommended Text(s)
Leading Change John P. Kotter LATEST EDITION
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