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BSA 400 Business Administration
Coordinated series consisting of accounting, business economics, business ethics, business policy, finance, information systems, international business, legal environment of business, management, and organizational behavior, marketing, operations management, and quantitative methods for management. The aim of this course is to present the student with the main areas in Business administration that will be covered as part of their M.B.A. at Atlantic International University and the importance of each.
The following are acceptable topics for this course:
- Advanced Accounting
- Microeconomics for Management
- Macroeconomics for Management
- International Economic Environment
- Empirical Macroeconomics
- Economics of Strategy
- Financial Theory
- Investments
- Portfolio Management
- FIN 448 Creating Wealth
- Financial Institutions
- Marketing Management
- Consumer Behaviors
- Marketing Research
- Advertising Management
- New Product Development
Recommended Text(s)
Business 2000: Entrepreneurship: Learner Guide
Cynthia L. Greene, South-Western Educational Latest Edition
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