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ACU 201 Communication and Investigation
This course is a fundamental part of the degree program at AIU. It is the source of information that allows the academic advisor to direct and formulate a program based on their past, present, and prospective experiences. This provides us with a clear evaluation of their mission and the requirements that are needed to complete their program. The course requires an in-depth analysis of what the student is, has been, and wishes to become. It allows the rationalization of the degree program, as well as its objectives, study plan and the curriculum to be developed by the students under the close supervision of A.I.U., in order for the degree program's development to occur in the best possible conditions.
The following are acceptable topics for this course:
- Interests
- Qualities
- Needs
- Values
- Limitations
- Temperament
- Track record
- What I want to become
Awareness about the environment:
- Trends around me
- The various areas consistent with what I am and/or want to become
- Importance to myself and to society of each of the areas I am interested in. How necessary are they? What kind of fulfillment will I get from it?
- What compensation levels are attainable on average for professionals in the area I am interested in? How would my development contribute to the world around me?
To be able to decide and therefore:
- To be capable of self-analyzing my thoughts and feelings
- Possess a clear idea of who I am. Be able to realistically assess myself and adjust my temperament with the alternatives around me
- Be able to take risks and to learn even from my mistakes
- Be self-confident
To be able to confirm:
- On the basis of my successes and/or failures
- Build a clearer idea of what I want and can achieve, in order to decide whether to:
- To move ahead
- Modify certain things
- Change direction altogether
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